Best Car Lift Guide
It’s truly amazing how many professionals and hobbyists are willing to put their trust into a non-certified car lift. Working beneath a raised car or truck that can weigh up to several tons is not a task that should be taken lightly. For your own health and for the well-being of others, please make sure that vehicle lift certified safety tops your list of priorities.

ALI / ETL Certification
Few of us are able to determine the strength, quality and safety of a car lift just by looking at it. That’s why the Automotive Lift Institute’s ETL certification is so important to business owners and private users who want to protect employees, property and themselves from potential accidents.
The ALI is an independent third-party organization that conducts car lift safety verification and certification on behalf of auto lift consumers. The ALI / ETL certification is the only nationally recognized program that sets safety standards for all auto lifts and tests them for both compliance and performance.
If you are in the market for a new car lift, the Automotive Lift Institute is 100% on your side and will be one of your best sources of reliable, unbiased consumer information.
Car lift companies that focus on safety have a close relationship with ALI, ETL, ANSI, UL, CE, TUV, and other global certification authorities and regularly undergo intense third-party testing conducted by nationally recognized testing laboratories. Metallurgy, tensile strengths, mechanical engineering, manufacturing quality and electrical compliance are just a few of the things that these testing laboratories investigate rigorously for every car lift or truck lift that applies for certification. Only when an auto lift demonstrates consistently high marks in each category does it receive the ALI / ETL badge of approval or other renowned certifications.
However, there are other factors to consider for safe automotive lift operation, including proper installation, regular service and proper use. Check with the manufacturer to find out if they provide these important services. If they don’t, ask them who does.
Non-certified lifts are never a bargain
In some cases, ALI / ETL certification is more than important, it's mandatory. Although the ALI / ETL certification program is currently voluntary, many state, federal and local authorities have adopted the standard as a mandatory provision for commercial-use car and truck lift installations. Many lift purchasers unaware of local ordinances regarding lift certification have found their business shut down and fines imposed due to a lack of ALI / ETL certification. Fortunately for consumers, the Automotive Lift Institute keeps a public record of all participating members right on the site.
Now that you have a good idea of what makes an automotive lift safe, continue on to the next page to discover who you should buy it from.