
Doris from the popular Woman.Driven YouTube channel has been quickly taking the automotive community by storm. We have been watching her progress from the beginning of her channel, and it is incredible to see just how far she has come! In just her first year of being an automotive influencer she has already amassed an enormous fan base with over 200,000 subscribers, and we’re sure this is only the beginning.
Doris works out of her home garage with her Shelby GT350, Nissan GT-R and Camaro ZL1 1LE broadcasting her regular modifications to the world. Though her channel has rapidly evolved and she has begun to do a variety of different things on her channel, she still gets her hands dirty working on her cars every chance she gets. Usually, that means modifications or tuning and, more recently, getting her cars ready for the track. But it also means plenty of maintenance, and you can watch her progress as her projects steadily become more difficult and complex.
Doris of Woman.Driven installs her all new BendPak HD-7W Four-Post Lift
Fans of Woman.Driven will know that it’s not all about the builds. Doris generally loves cars, and she loves to drive them too! Her channel has expanded to include her DDrive videos, a series of videos where she tests out and reviews cars from all around the world! As one might expect, this love for driving inevitably led Doris to the track where she fell in love and has continued to post videos on her track experiences! Today you are just as likely to see a new modification or maintenance update as you are a track video or DDrive series, which gives you a variety of content that any car lover is sure to enjoy.
Doris of Woman.Driven installs her all new GrandPrix GP-7LC Two-Post Lift
One of the things we like the most about Woman.Driven is that she shows her audience every step of her journey. Whether she’s working on her cars or installing a new BendPak car lift, she thoroughly explains everything that she does to her cars and makes sure to keep everyone regularly updated. This has led to a fierce loyalty with her fans, who have come to care about her cars and projects nearly as much as she does. With such a refreshing new channel, you are sure to find everything you are looking for in the online automotive community, all in one place. Woman.Driven is definitely worth a watch, and we are sure as her brand and videos continue to grow, her videos too will continue to entertain and impress!